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Brucy Interview

Kerri Ann Campbell

For this interview with Bruce Chase Blanchard III, I decided to try something different and do it without using any B-roll. Relying on his story telling ability and hand gestures to hold the viewers interest over the 5 minuets. The main editing tool I used during this was cutting and muting the audio clips with adding a sound effect over the swear words throughout the story. The challenge with this was making sure you couldn't hear any of the bad words but that as an adult you could still figure out everything that he was saying without a problem.

Interviewing Kerri Ann went pretty easily. She was the first person to be interviewed in our group so it went quickly and we just got it out of the way. I know Kerri Ann pretty well so I knew the questions I wanted to ask and what would get the best answers. I didn't take the time to color correct any of the clips or take photos that were of higher quality because few people will end up ever seeing this interview. But it was nice to have a quick refresher on doing interviews and basic editing.

Being Interviewed

Being interviewed is something that made me super uncomfortable this time last year and I'm happy to say that now after two full semesters of cinema last year I'm much more confident sitting in front of a camera. I sit up now compared to the first interviews I did and I actually manage to speak up so that the mic can pick up what I'm saying even just using a Rode Mic.

Working the camera

Using the 7d and the different lenses is something that I'm extremely comfortable with after last year and I have a good understanding of ISO and aperture settings after photography with Mr. Vincent so that work came easily. There were a few problems that we ran into while filming this video. The first was that Ray didn't wipe the SD card before filming so the storage filled up about halfway through the video which was an easy fix and we didn't lose footage but then the battery died but luckily I brought and extra battery with us so these were just minor set backs.

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