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YBN Nahmir "I Got A Stick"

I chose this video because it uses a lot of Post Production tricks that I want to work on for editing snowboard videos. I used a music video to look at because they are actually a lot like snowboarding videos. For most snowboarding videos I would make they would be season edits or trip edits that you usually play a song behind and almost make a music video to it just using snowboard clips. When doing this you want movements to come in when the beat does.

The main part I like about this video is in about the first 10 or so seconds of when its linked to they use a lot of outlining with bright colors in post production to highlight key features and add more to the video as a whole. This is something I really want to work on doing with my snowboarding videos this winter and it was really useful to watch it lined up the the music.

Film Critique 2

For my scene critique this time I chose a scene from "Miracle on Ice". This is a really popular movie and I watched it for the first time not that long ago because, student faculty hockey game. Had to get ready for that and this seemed like a good minimum effort place to start. This was probably the most powerful scene in the movie so I chose this to write about. There is a wide variety of use of wide shots cut into panning close up shots of peoples face. They use the wider shots to set the scene and then the close up shots to show and convey the emotions of the players and the coaches. They also use a lot of moving shots/following shots during this scene compared to the rest of the movie. As the team moves out of the locker room and towards the ice the camera takes you with them.

They to a really good job of cutting out the less important features to focus on the main part. A good example of this is when they touch their gloves to the letters that everyone has sent them as they are heading out of the locker room. Overall they do a very good job of holding and then building the suspense through out the film as well as keeping the viewer interested and constantly switching up the shot selections.

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